I’ve been conducting energy audits and assessments for the past 10 years, over that time, I have had several people ask me about adding a solar system to their home. Does it make sense installing a system in Minnesota? How about in any northern climate state? This blog will discuss the basics of photovoltaic solar. Continue reading “Construction Design-Solar Photovoltaic”
Construction Design-Fixing Ice Dams from the Interior, Part 2
This past winter has been one of the snowiest and coldest I can remember in my 50 years living in Minnesota. I wasn’t completely sure what to expect from the home I purchased late last fall. I know it has issues, especially with the roof air sealing and insulation. Continue reading “Construction Design-Fixing Ice Dams from the Interior, Part 2”
Construction Design-Fixing Ice Dams from the Interior, Part 1
Today, I’m starting a 2 part series on how I plan on fixing the ice damming on the roof of my 1952 Cape. This first part is going to show photos of my neighborhood, which has many houses suffering from the same condition as mine. Continue reading “Construction Design-Fixing Ice Dams from the Interior, Part 1”
Construction Design-Flood Prevention
Last summer I was working on a remodeling project when a water line connected to a water treatment system under a kitchen sink decided to come loose. I had just completed 3 weeks of work in the basement area directly under the kitchen, the resulting water damage erased 2 of the 3 weeks. All this happened over the July 4 week, as a matter of fact, I was enjoying the day fishing when I found out about the damage, holiday ruined. Continue reading “Construction Design-Flood Prevention”
Construction Design-Comfort
Comfort is a word that gets used a lot to describe how your body feels. When used in the building industry, I often relate it to temperature and humidity. Lately, I’ve realized it can be much more. Though I’m just discovering this concept, others have known about it for a long time. This week’s blog is all about being comfortable. Continue reading “Construction Design-Comfort”
Construction Design-Zero Energy, Step Two
One day, not too far in the future, every new home will be constructed to a zero-energy standard. This is just my opinion, but a look at the current codes, especially the energy codes, and we see things moving in that direction. Continue reading “Construction Design-Zero Energy, Step Two”
Construction Design-Zero Energy, Step One
What if you could build a home that could produce as much energy as it consumes. Think that technology is off in the future? There are homes being built today that are producing more energy than they need, and they aren’t that much different than any other home being built. Continue reading “Construction Design-Zero Energy, Step One”
Construction Design-Humidity Control in a Garage
I watched an electrician install two ceiling fans in an attached garage recently while I was working as a subcontractor on a new home being built. I quizzed him on their use and he said moisture control. This got me thinking about controlling humidity in a heated garage in a northern climate, this week’s topic. Continue reading “Construction Design-Humidity Control in a Garage”
Construction Design-Below Grade Insulation-Existing Homes
Last week we talked about Minnesota code requirements for insulating foundations in new construction. This week we’ll hit existing homes.
Continue reading “Construction Design-Below Grade Insulation-Existing Homes”
Construction Design-Below Grade Insulating-New Construction
In new construction, Minnesota building codes require insulating basements and foundations, but this insulation was not required in some older homes. Continue reading “Construction Design-Below Grade Insulating-New Construction”