Energy Audit-Calculating Electricity Costs

Over the past dozen years of performing energy audit and assessments, I have learned there are three root causes that warrant an audit; there is a problem with the home, a problem with the equipment or appliances in the home, or a problem with the people living in the home.  Often these problems require testing of the homes electrical system and equipment to determine usage and the associated costs. Continue reading “Energy Audit-Calculating Electricity Costs”

Energy Audit-Measuring for Blower Door Testing

Whether you are using equipment from Minneapolis Blower Door, Retrotec, or any other blower door manufacturer, one of the first steps in conducting a blower door test is to measure the home’s floor area, volume, and surface area.  Coming up with the floor area is the simplest, length times width.  Calculating volume also isn’t hard, width times length time height, simple right?  Not always, getting the volume of a geodome or a complex cathedral ceiling often takes some time. Continue reading “Energy Audit-Measuring for Blower Door Testing”

Energy Audit-High Voltage

High Voltage, the first thing that comes to mind is AC/DC’s 1976 album of the same name.  (I was 7 when that album was released.)  An awesome first album from a band that eventually becomes one of classic rocks best.  But high voltage can be a big problem with electronics and electrical equipment in houses and businesses.  My brother, who is an electrical engineer and master electrician, gave me the idea for this blog post.  He had to recently trouble shoot a problem. Continue reading “Energy Audit-High Voltage”

Energy Audit-Comparing a Great Blower Door Test to a Code Minimum Test

I recently blower door tested the tightest new home I have tested to date.  .82 air changes per hour at 50 pascals (ACH50), nearly one-quarter of the code required 3 ACH50 requirement.  After the test, the builder and I decided to open a window to see how much additional leakage it would take to get the home to the code minimum 3. Continue reading “Energy Audit-Comparing a Great Blower Door Test to a Code Minimum Test”