Welcome to my 4th blog. Today, I’m going to talk about something that I’ve seen in the field. An energy audit that I conducted several years ago. Continue reading “Case Study-A High Electric Bill”
Building Science-Thermodynamics
Building science 101 is going to be a continuing discussion about building science and how it relates to building in a cold climate. We must start at the beginning, which unfortunately has to do with physics. A nasty word, but I’ll try my best keep things simple. The basics of building science mostly deal with the laws of thermodynamics. Continue reading “Building Science-Thermodynamics”
Northern Built – An Introduction
Hi, my name is Randy Williams, welcome to my first ever blog post.
I spend a lot of my time thinking about and working in the construction industry. I started in 1996 as an apprentice electrician working for my brother before becoming a state licensed journeyman electrician in 2000. In the late 1990’s, I helped my father, who had built several homes and commercial buildings for himself, start a new home for his sister. In 2005, my dad, brother and I started a company called Willcon Inc, short for Williams Construction. We officially became a licensed building contractor. I learned a lot about the construction industry in those first few years.