What is an energy code? Energy codes are part of the building code that regulates how heat and energy are used in a building. By now, most builders understand there are minimum insulation levels, in walls, floors and ceilings. There are also requirements in how windows and doors perform. Air tightness testing and mechanical system performance (both in space heating and water heating) are also part of the energy codes. Local jurisdictions adopt (sometimes modify) and enforce these codes. Updated energy codes are released every three years. The 2024 IECC has been released, but most jurisdictions are looking to adopt the 2021 version, which you can read here: 2021 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE (IECC) | ICC DIGITAL CODES (iccsafe.org)
Construction Design-Zero Energy, Step Two
One day, not too far in the future, every new home will be constructed to a zero-energy standard. This is just my opinion, but a look at the current codes, especially the energy codes, and we see things moving in that direction. Continue reading “Construction Design-Zero Energy, Step Two”
Construction Design-Zero Energy, Step One
What if you could build a home that could produce as much energy as it consumes. Think that technology is off in the future? There are homes being built today that are producing more energy than they need, and they aren’t that much different than any other home being built. Continue reading “Construction Design-Zero Energy, Step One”