Building Science-Pyrolysis

This post originally appeared on the Green Building Advisor website.

Pyrolysis [pahy-rol-uh-sis] noun

The chemical decomposition of wood by the application of heat alone in the absence of oxygen.

I used to perform risk assessment inspections for a couple small, local mutual insurance companies.  These companies would insure properties that were considered “high risk”, most were rural, some were accessible only by boat, ATV or snowmobile and they were often a long way from the nearest fire department.  Many had solid fuel burning appliances, usually a woodstove or fireplace.  Part of my job was to make sure that the woodstove or fireplace had the proper clearances to combustibles, proper floor protection, and that the stovepipe and chimney systems met the requirements of the manufacturer and/or code.  Most installations were safe, but every once in a while, I would find a home in danger of burning down. Continue reading “Building Science-Pyrolysis”